Relieve Pain. Reduce Swelling.

How to Deal With Inflammation

The best way to treat the pain and swelling experienced following an injury is to apply cold to the injured area. Often patients will use painkillers to deal with discomfort relating to their injury, but using this method is dangerous. Painkillers do nothing to treat the pain or inflammation associated with an injury, merely covering up the damage or even making the injury worse. Instead of painkillers, use cold to relieve this pain safely and effectively.

The problem with many ice gels is that they do not properly distribute cold evenly over the whole injury, and do not stay cold for long. The way to fix this problem is to use a ColdCure® cold compression wrap. ColdCure® wraps use thicker, bigger wraps that hold their shape to keep the cold on the injury.

Superior Gel

Most ordinary gels are very thin and don't hold much gel. The gel they do hold can't even stay on the injury, instead moving around unevenly when pressure is applied. This makes most ordinary gels ineffective for treating injuries. ColdCure® wraps, however, use RigiGel® gel packs that are much bigger and thicker than regular ones, and hold their shape instead of flowing away when compression is introduced. RigiGel® gel packs offer superior temperature balancing as well in addition to the sheer amount of rigid gel, ensuring the entire injured area receives an equal amount of relief from pain and swelling.

Use Cold, not Ice

It's common for many people to put ice on their injuries to relieve pain and keep swelling down. However, they are only putting themselves at risk of further damage to their tissue. Ice from the freezer is too cold and can often burn the skin over the injury. To solve this, ColdCure® RigiGel® is designed to be stored in the fridge, where it is not too cold to burn but is more than enough to treat pain and inflammation. There's no need to put yourself at further risk.

➙Click here for more information on ColdCure treatments!

Quality Wraps

Each ColdCure® wrap is made of soft, comfortable Neoprene. They are designed with quality in mind for patients to enjoy wearing. The wraps are built to be injury-specific; there is a variety of wraps in shapes that fit the forms of many common injured body parts such as the knee or shoulder. Their unique shape allows for the best and most comfortable coverage for the entire injured area.

Paired with Revolutionary ColdCure® Wraps

RigiGel® technology is one of the key components in the design of ColdCure® wraps. The wraps combine the benefits of cold therapy with compression and comfort, improving on all the models to create the ultimate pain and swelling solution. It's recommended that patients start using a ColdCure® wrap following an injury to alleviate the discomfort and swelling. With the cold and compression aspects working together along with the powerful RigiGel® and Perpachill® technologies, ColdCure® provides the best possible solution to post-injury pain and swelling.

➙Click here for more information on ColdCure treatments!

Forum Content from the Health Care Company King Brand®

How do I know if an underlying injury is causing my bursitis?

A customer asked, "How do I know if an underlying injury is causing my bursitis?"

Re: How do I know if an underlying injury is causing my bursitis?

Bursitis is typically a reaction triggered by some sort of underlying injury or condition. This could be anything from a partial muscle tear to arthritis to an old injury that never quite healed in the past. This underlying injury may get re-aggravated or flared up, and cause your body to overcompensate, and produce too much synovial fluid. This synovial fluid goes into one of the many bursae you have all over your body and causes the pain and swelling associated with bursitis.

The best way to tell what kind of injury may be triggering your bursitis is to have a MRI, which should show any sort of soft tissue damage. You can use the ColdCure and the BFST to treat both your bursitis, and the condition that is aggravating your bursa.

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